Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Art final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art final - Essay Example o as Classical art, then a thousand years later to the influence of the Catholic Church and religious figures in what is now called Medieval art, to the more humanistic and mathematical dimensions of Renaissance Art, these three cultures have greatly impacted modern art today in the 21st century, and our understanding of beauty, balance, iconography, religious-themed works, and the mathematical beauty of depth and dimension. In ancient Greece, there was a cultural bend towards striving for perfection. Perfection in a social system, philosophy, governance, and, of course, art. The Greeks had a fascination with the human form and perfection. In Greek sculpture, there was almost no recognition of the individualism of personality in a work of art (Kallendorf 42). The facial expression and facial features in Classical Greek sculptures is irrelevant. What is most important is a balance of the positioning of the body, with perfect physical features. There is no room for imperfection in Classical Greek sculptures of the human form, noted by the "S-curve" of the spine (Stewart 21) and one forward leg of the upright pose, weight shifted back a bit on the back leg. The goal was to give the subject a timeless and confident pose. Most sculptures were positioned upright, with one foot foreword, and the weight mostly on the back foot, called, later, contrapposto position (Stewart 23), rejuvenated in Renaissance art. This pose suggested a confident, forward-looking air about the subject. With the eyes and face blank, with the hear upright, and chin out, shoulders square, the focus is all given to the human body-- a combination of physical perfection and balance. Poses of Classical statues were important to connivery a continuum of the societys art with its larger goals of human perfection in government and philosophy. There were very few religious-themes sculptures in Classical Greek art, as nature and common daily life was portrayed in a way which gave the subject a

Business Changing Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Changing Environment - Essay Example Digital Equipment Corporation, Scotland, came into existence in 1983 as a small scale test facility for computer chips made in Hudson, America. Digital is one the largest computer manufacturing company in America and its plant in Ayr, Scotland, became the first overseas plant to launch worldwide distribution of computer system which was locally designed and developed. When assembling operations were added in 1985, there was impressive growth in the output of VLSI chips and the strength of the employees grew from 14 in 1984 to 470 employees in 1989. VLSI volume rose from 2000 per week to whopping 35000 per week in 1989 which were not only more complex and sophisticated in design but also comprised of forty different product types that needed to be packed in lots of batch sizes from 50 to 100!The plant is nonunionized and has 24 hours working schedule that is divided into three shifts with the total floor area of more than 25,000 square feet. Working conditions are generally good and t he skilled and non-skilled jobs are well defined and streamlined for smooth functioning. The hierarchal managerial supervision does not encourage much collective decision making. Employees in the operation and assembling units are trained for specific jobs and have no wider understanding or knowledge of the production processes. The work is repetitive with hardly any scope for individual growth. The organization singularly lacks effective communication and knowledge sharing processes.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Labour Party to socialism Essay Example for Free

Labour Party to socialism Essay ‘Explain the ideas and policies which link the modern Labour Party to socialism’. (10 marks) Socialism is the economic system based on cooperation rather than competition of businesses which utilizes centralized planning and redistribution of wealth. Industry is state owned and therefore companies have government monopolies on them which results in no competition. Industries are redistributed though the state to achieve a fairer society. Traditional Labour values were indeed a form of socialism as some of their core values include a large welfare state, mild redistribution of wealth through taxes and social mobility. Socialism was founded in 1789 if the modern day Labour party had the same ideologies as those of the original socialist politicians then it would be considered a far right party in today’s political spectrum. Since its origins, the principles of socialism have evolved into many different forms of itself to make it compatible with society. There are many links to many differing forms of socialism both traditional and modern in today’s Labour party. Democratic socialists i.e. Labour believe in Equality of opportunity this means that everyone has the same opportunities to maximise their potential and accomplish high positions in life no matter what their background or ethnicity, for example a labourer’s child can become a lawyer or politician if he/she desires and they will not be discriminated against. This is still one of Labour’s core values, therefore linking to traditional socialism. Another concept of democratic socialism is the redistribution of wealth an example of ‘New Labour’ doing that is increasing the amount in social housing estates, or the introduction of the ‘windfall tax’ which raised ?5billion to set up the ‘New Deal’ which helps the long term unemployed back to work through training and employment, thus giving opportunities to those who previously didnt have the skills to generate their own wealth. Traditional socialism wants radical constitutional reform e.g. democratise institutions such as the House of Lords. ‘New Labour’ does want constitutional reform such as the de-centralisation of power and mild House of Lords reform e.g. it is elected not inherited. So therefore shows that Labour does still have socialist values.

Absence Of Populism In Colombia Essay Example for Free

Absence Of Populism In Colombia Essay The term populism refers to a political system where the leaders appeal directly to the people and seek the support of social sectors that are not adequately represented in the political arrangements that exist. In a populist system, the leaders tend to enjoy the support of the mass as a result of mass mobilization. In many Latin American nations such as Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Panama, Peru and Mexico, one or more administrations have adopted populist policies (Dornbusch and Edwards, pg. 7). However, populism has failed to emerge in Colombia raising the question of why populism is not part of the Colombian society. Although populism in Colombian was promoted by the political leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan who was assassinated in 1948, populism failed to emerge after his death. Gaitan assassinated ended populist leadership in Columbia . Up to date, Colombia has managed to adopt a non-populist political system. Although the current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe leadership is considered to have some elements common with many populists, he is not a populist. The issue of absence of populism in Colombia in a continent dominated by populism and the reasons behind the absence needs to be examined. President Alvaro Uribe non-populist leadership has been attributed to his lack of interest in mobilizing masses and activating supporters. These factors are important elements in populism. This paper will explore the reasons behind absence of populism in Colombia by tracing historical events in the country. The paper will first present a belief history of Colombia and important events during the leadership of Jorge Gaitan. His emergence as a political leader and the peoples’ reaction to his emergence will be explored as well as the reasons behind lack of populism emergence after his death . Finally, the paper will evaluate President Uribe non-populist policies and why/how he has made great efforts to make Colombia prosper in absence of populism and left tendencies. Discussion A Brief overview of populism Populism embraces political representation that challenges the democratic political society where a highly polarized concept of society exists. Populist regimes like the ones that have been witnessed in Latin American emphasize on the social divide between the privileged who have benefited from the existing political practices and the underprivileged who account for the excluded majority (Coniff, pg. 22). Populist leaders claim to represent this underprivileged group that comprises of the poor and promise social justice. As a result, the leaders tend to reject any political intermediation that aim at limiting and checking their political power. Some political analysts consider populism to be nationalistic, authoritarian and depend on social mobilization for support. Many populist regimes often destroy traditional parties. The populist manifestation indicates that the traditional market reforms in a populist regime are unable to sustain economic growth, reduce poverty, generate employment opportunities and reduce inequality. Although populist leaders use democratic means to assume into political power, they are involved in undermining democratic institutions once they get into office. History of Colombia and events at the time of populist Jorge Eliecier Gaitan The collapse of the Gran Colombia 1830 led to the emergence of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Colombia became a republic in 1886. Two major political parties, the Liberal and Conservative parties emerged in Colombia due to the differences between the followers of two leaders Paula Santander and Simon Bolivar These two parties dominated the Colombian politics for a long time. Gaitan became achieved national prestige through his efforts of addressing the issues of concern of the peasants. For instance, he was involved in a Congressional investigation of worker’s revolt and strike in 1929 in Santa Marta and also wrote on the excesses of management and repressive intervention of the army in Colombia. This made Gaitan win great popular prestige and become a hero among the peasants. He joined the left wing of the Liberal party after 1930s and managed to win Congressional elections in March 1947. He continued to strengthen his position and increase his popularity by trying to reach the masses and giving them hope The Colombian society comprised of the privileged who held political offices and the poor who considered Gaitan to fight for their rights. Peasant populism and rural protests were witnessed since the 1930s. Gaitan became a charismatic leader of the Liberal party (Sharpless, pg,36). His popularity and claims to fight for the welfare of the masses attracted hundreds of thousands of low income Colombians and Union members in his political meetings. He was admired for denouncing moral, social and economic events that oppressed the masses which he promised to eliminate with cooperation and support from the people . His claim to champion the cause of the masses increased populism. The people, most of whom were peasants and low income earners were attracted by Gaitans leadership. For instance, the issue of land reforms which he seemed to address was of great concern to the people. For example, by mobilizing the masses to protest through the streets of Bogota in February 1948, Gaitan gained the support of the masses . He was assassinated two months later, an event that triggered the â€Å"La violencia†. This was characterized by confrontation between the Conservative and Liberal parties’ supporters and hostilities between classes. The Colombian society experienced violence and instability. Non-populism in Colombia after Gaitan’s death .The absence of populist regimes in Colombia in the 1930s and 1940s as well as the political instability that was witnessed in Colombia (Dix, pg. 342). After Gaitan’s assassination made it impossible for the political leaders to put into place populist regime in Colombia. Uncontrolled human confrontation in Bogota spread to the country side where bands were organized to create terror. La Violencia is estimated to have led to the deaths of more than 200,000 people over duration of eighteen years, the 1948 – 1958 periods was bloodiest . One of the most powerful guerilla group in Colombia, and known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was the product of this conflict. The period after Gaitan’s death was marked by lack of hope in the masses and the political society. Armed confrontation was characterized by rebellions and riots between 1948 and 1966(Hylton, pg. 40). Because populism requires leaders to mobilize the masses, violence drove Colombia into a politically unstable nation. The political instability that was experienced in the country made it impossible for the political leaders to secure leadership through populism. There was mass social frustration due to the killings and displacement of a large number of people. Those who had believed that Jorge Gaitan was the only hope for improving the lives of the masses were disappointed. In Bogota and the Mariano Ospina’s government struggled to restore order in Colombia. However, the rural violence that was witnessed triggered a state of undeclared civil war and violence spread throughout the country. Only the southernmost parts of Marino and Caribbean coastal area were spared. The violence phenomenon became complex and was characterized by sheer rural banditry as well as partisan political rivalry (Roldan, pg. 93). The political rivalry undermined the emergence of populism because this period of internal disorder led to the refusal by successive Colombian governments to give in to the peoples’ demand for social economic change. The repressive nature of the Ospina government undermined efforts of political leadership to participate in political meetings or engage in efforts that could increase one’s popularity but undermine the government. Violence and instability continued (Palacios, pg. 72). For example, the government on March 1949 banned all public meetings and had all Liberal governors leave their positions. These measures were being taken to restore order in the country. Furthermore, the government in 1949 ordered the closure of Congress. This meant that the political system in Colombia could no longer function as usual. The rural police forces intensified efforts to fight the Liberals and the belligerents. As a result, the liberals protest led to the liberals’ eventual resignation form their positions and as a result, protests by the Liberals continued. The failure by the Liberal party to contest during the presidential elections had Laureano Gomez, a Conservative candidate take over office in 1950. Gomez was the leader of a reactionary faction and preferred authority and order. The constitution that was drafted under Gomez’s’ guidance in 1953 was expected to expand the powers of departmental governors and enhance presidential autonomy. In order to contain the mounting violence and to prevent the regaining of power by the liberals, Gomez tried to curtail avail liberties and to acquire broad powers. In addition, the independent labor unions were removed and the congressional elections were held without any opposition. Other measures that the Gomez administration put into place included the control of courts by the executive, censoring of the press. Gomez also directed his repression against the Liberal opposition. There was relative economic prosperity during this time due to the expansion of the export markets and foreign investment increase. However, Gomez lost support due to military establishment, attacks on moderate conservatives. Gomez illness in 1951 had Roberto Urdaneta become the acting president. General Gustavo Rojas took over power in 1953 and military leadership that was witnessed in the country continued to undermine political participation and democracy in the country. In the 1960s, armed conflicts whereby left-wing insurgents, government forces and right-wing paramilitaries were witnessed in Colombia. There was lack of civil authority and public order and intense military operations were undertaken to counter the opposition. Rojas was however removed from power in 1957 leading to the restoration of civilian rule after some moderate Liberals and Conservatives formed a bipartisan coalition known as the National Front. Alberto Lleras Camargo served as Colombia’s president upto 1962. All these events made it difficult for populist regimes to emerge again in Colombia and up to date, Colombian leadership is still non-populist. Alvaro Uribe’s policies and non-populism The absence of populism in Colombia is unique in a continent where populist politics are still evident today . The current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies are not populist despite having some elements of populism. President Uribes is now in his second term in office. His policies have not aimed at increasing mass support for his government. In populist regimes, government policies tend to be implemented in a manner that tries to win the support of the masses. Since Uribe assumed into power, he has not advocated for policies that aim at addressing the needs of all the citizens. Instead, he has focused on improving economic development and improving security in the country. The main reason why Uribe is not populist can therefore be attributed to the fact that he has not made efforts to mobilize masses and cultivate supporters. Rather than focusing on efforts to uplift the poor in order to gain the support of the masses, President Uribe policies emphasize on improving economic growth and security. As a result, since his elections into office in 2002, he has received high approval ratings due to his policies that have promoted sustained economic growth, security and continuous implementation of sound social programs. The domestic security policy that Uribe has adopted plays a critical role in promoting democratic representation in governance. The policy was unveiled in 2003 and the efforts by Uribe’s administration to deepen democracy and strengthen democratic representation have ensured that democratic institutions have not been undermined to create populism. After being elected into office and inaugurated on 7th August 2002, President Uribe introduced radical policies to improve security. Insecurity in Colombia due to violence has for decades undermined economic and social development. President Uribe is a tough conservative whose political life has focused in fighting rebels and illegal armed groups in the country which cause the instability. The landslide victory for the second term provided him with adequate time to address the issue of drug trafficking and armed groups. The democratic security policy seeks to cater for the wellbeing of all Colombians. (The Uribe Administrations Democratic Security and Defense Policy, pg 1). The Colombian government has been working together with the US to fight drug trafficking groups and leftist insurgent groups by consolidating state control so that the country is not a sanctuary of perpetrators of violence, terrorists and drug traffickers (Kirk, pg 52). This has protected the entire population from illegal drug trade and victimization by illegal armed groups. The government social programs have been well planned and coordinated unlike in populist regimes. The programs receive consistent and great financial support from the government in order to increase social and economic development across the country. In other populist regimes in Latin America, social programs are poorly coordinated, fail to reach the targeted beneficiaries and receive huge funds during the election period. This has not been the case for Colombia. Uribe’s social programs to improve the living standards of the people by reducing inequalities has minimized sectoral and class conflicts in Colombia (US Central Intelligence,np) Agency. Populism is established when inequalities are not eliminated hence they create a social divide between the privileged and the underprivileged. In addition, populism is promoted when a large group of people who feel that they very minimal benefits from economic development support populists who promise to improve their welfare. In Colombia, the social divide has been addressed by the economic policy that has been implemented to improve income distribution. The benefits of the social programs reach the expected beneficiaries. The element of clientelism that still exists in Colombia prevents enlarged political participation and mobilization. The political system is supported by faithfulness and loyalty and together with the development of professional class of politicians who are committed to intermediating between the voters and the state has made it difficult for populists to succeed. The government has accepted limits and checks in governance and intermediation between the state and the civil society is possible. Uribe’s leadership has not in any way attempted to mobilize the masses in efforts to overcome inequality and poverty. The efforts to improve leadership and promote democracy in the government oppose the utilization of state resources for personal interests or to maximize political support. This is a clear indication that Uribe is not a populist. However, his efforts to have the constitution amended so that he may run for a third term in office has made him resemble the populist presidents who undermine traditional institutions of democracy. President Uribe has shown great commitment in maintaining democratic institutions and addressing the needs of Colombia as a nation rather than focusing on issues that increase the support of the masses. Why and how President Uribe efforts to make Colombia prosperous President Uribe has been making great efforts to make Colombia a prosperous nation free of populism and leftist tendencies. Populism and leftist tendencies undermine democratic institutions and result to political instability that compromises prosperity of a nation. Political stability is meant to support economic prosperity which improves the living standards of the poor. This narrows the social divide that allows populism to contribute to low economic and social development. For instance, the presence of leftist armed groups for decades has made it impossible for the government and the people to increase economic prosperity. The primary groups that are considered to be a threat to Colombia’s stability and peace are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the ELN guerillas. These groups rely on criminal activities to generate funds. War and drug trade have derailed economic prosperity in Colombia for a long time (Livingstone, pg. 21). This has turned Colombia into one of the world’s largest center for drug trafficking. President Uribe democratic security policy has improved both the national security and economic growth due to stability. In Uribe’s administration government policies, lack of populism is clear . This has been achieved by ensuring that market reforms move towards sustaining economic growth, reduction of poverty and unemployment as well as a reduction in inequality. Uribe’s economic policy has been able to move away from economic populism where emphasis is placed on the risk of deficit finance and inflation, reaction of economic agents on non-market policies and external constraints. Rather than mobilize the masses through the implementation of social programs that never benefit the people, Uribe’s government has developed and implemented sound social programs that distribute resources equally and have the living standards of the underprivileged improved. In other Latin American nations, social programs are implemented by the political leaders to win the support of the masses. Unfortunately, the people never benefit from the programs because a large proportion of the financial resources put aside to support the programs is either wasted or embezzled. The allocation of resources to support government programs has been consistent, an issue that has improved economic growth in Colombia. Transparency and democracy ensure that leaders are responsible and accountable. By improving the living standards of the people across the nation, Uribe’s leadership has made it difficult for political leaders to become populists by claiming to represent the underprivileged. The presence of leftist groups in Colombia has led to blood shed, prosperity of the drug trade and social injustice. These groups have been involved in the drug trade and in the rural areas impose their rules on the people. The domestic security policy has aimed at defeating armed groups such as the ELN and FARC. The president has expressed concern that some of the major security threats in Colombia include narcotics trade and terrorism. He has therefore taken a hard line stance against guerillas. Together with the assistance from its neighbors and the US, the Colombian government has managed to force out rebels from Colombia’s cities and towns. For example, the government has succeeded in fighting the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. The need to restore peace in the country and invest in improving the welfare of the people has become a priority. For example, the security program that is implemented is expected to increase judicial action against the perpetrators of crimes with high social impact, restore peace, reduce human rights violation as well as the dismantle terrorist or leftist groups. The security policy is expected to demobilize illegal groups, increase intelligence capacity, engage civilians in leadership and increase defense spending. Colombia is engaged in regional economic cooperation as a means of improving regional economic growth, political stability and security. For instance, President Uribe has been able to put aside political differences that Colombia has had with its neighbours such as Venezuela to pursue economic progress. Furthermore, because the neigbouring nations are concerned about the presence of illegal armed groups in Colombia, bilateral relations have made it possible for the nations to fight leftist groups together. Regional economic growth has had positive impact on the Colombian economy. President Uribe has been working hard to strengthen government institutions that increase freedom. For example, in 2004, President Uribe managed to engage citizens throughout the country in governance after he established a government present in about 1,099 municipalities in Colombia. President Alvaro Uribe supports free trade policies and has attempted to fight internal forces that cause political instability which affect the country’s economic and social development for decades. He has strong domestic policies that support government programs that empower people economically. For example, his administration supports economic cooperation with its neigbours. Diplomatic ties with the neighbours in Latin America has been supported, economic development supported and efforts to combat leftist tendencies improved. The Colombian government has been involved in expanding the country’s participation in the international trade, strengthening the rule of law, promoting good governanace, protecting human rights and reducing poverty (US Central Intelligence Agency, np). Conclusion Populism has been a common element in Latin American nations whereby the leaders attempt to win the support of the masses through mobilization. Countries such as Chile, Peru and Brazil have had populist political parties dominate political leadership. However, Colombia is a Latin American country that has managed to maintain non-populism since the death of the populist Jorge Gaitan in 1948. The current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies have shown that he is not a populist. In addition, great efforts by Uribe to make Colombia prosperous free of populism and leftist groups have been successful. Works Cited Conniff, Michael. Populism in Latin America. University of Alabama Press, 1999 Dix, Robert. The Varieties of Populism; the case of Colombia. Western. Political Quarterly, 31, 334-351, 1978 Dornbusch, Rudiger and Edwards, Sebastian. Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America, University of Chicago Press, 1991 Hylton, Forrest. Evil Hour in Colombia. New York: Verso Books, 2006 Kirk, Robin . More Terrible Than Death: Drugs, Violence, and Americas War in Colombia. United States: PublicAffairs, 2004 Livingstone, Grace. Inside Colombia: Drugs, Democracy, and War. Rutgers University Press, 2004 Palacios, Marco. Between Legitimacy and Violence: A History of Colombia, 1875– 2002. United States of America: Duke University Press, 2006 Roldan, Mary. Blood and Fire; La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946-1953. Duke University Press, 2002 Sharpless, Richard. Gaitan of Colombia: a political biography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978 The Uribe Administrations Democratic Security and Defense Policy. Embassy of Colombia. Accessed on April, 29 2010from http://www. presidencia. gov. co/sne/visita_bush/documentos/security. pdf Urrutia, Miguel. On the Absence of Economic Populism in Colombia. University of Chicago Press, 1991 US Central Intelligence Agency. Colombia. Accessed on April 29, 2010 from; https://www. cia. gov/library/ /the /co. html

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Harry Potter: Good or Evil? Essay -- Essays Papers

Harry Potter: Good or Evil? Throughout adolescents, a child is taught to use his or her imagination. A child is read stories of a talking cat or a silly old bear while still young and naà ¯ve. The child is read such stories to encourage use of his or her creativity. The ideas of such characters are for pure amusement and are obviously fictional. Unfortunately, today there are issues of censorship that stifle a person’s creativity. The most recent book being criticized by censors is J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Censors claim that the reading of such novels encourages witchcraft, and therefore should be banned. Although critics of the Harry Potter series are well intentioned in their ideas of banning this novel in schools, the actual banning of the novel is far more destructive. What these critics fail to recognize is that the reading of such an imaginative novel allows for children’s creativity to flourish, rather than allowing them to turn to negative forms of entertainment. T he banning of certain novels in schools is extremely important in today’s society, but only when the novel is destructive to a child’s upbringing. In past history, such classics as Maya Angelou’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, and J.D. Salinger’s Catcher In The Rye have been banned. Critics justified their actions by stating that such novels are inappropriate for school age children. Critics have now targeted the highly creative Harry Potter series. At the beginning of the school term the American Library Association was bombarded with complaints from parents about potentially harmful content in the series. Unfortunately, opinions vary and there is no simple answer. Although citizens of the United States are given the right to Freedom of Press under the First Amendment, this does not allow schools to incorporate every piece of literature within the curriculum. Schools are torn because as Linda Harvey states in â€Å"USA Today†, â€Å"No school includes everything. Few public schools would accept books advocating drunken driving, bulimia or rape. And itâ₠¬â„¢s rare to find novels in school libraries about teens who proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ† (Harvey). Reading material that encourages such horrendous acts as drunk driving and rape should be the focus of the countries problems, rather then a child’s fantasy series that only encou... ...children to communicate with furniture.’ And we all know where that can lead, don’t we† (Blume)? Works Cited Blume, Judy. â€Å"Is Harry Potter Evil?† The New York Times. 22 Oct. 1999. 17 Nov. 2000 Cain, Michael Scott. â€Å"Crazies At The Gate.† Portals Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking. Eds. Mary T. Segall and William R. Brown. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999. 599-608. Harvey, Linda. â€Å"Protect our Kids.† USA Today. 6 Sept. 2000. 17 Nov. 2000 Plato. â€Å"On Censorship of Literature for School Use.† Portals Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking. Eds. Mary T. Segall and William R. Brown. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999. 586-589. Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. New York: Scholastic Inc, 1998. Schmidt, Dominic. â€Å"Choice, Not Censorship, Is the Issue Over ‘Harry Potter’ in School.† Los Angeles Times. 7 Nov. 1999. 17 Nov. 2000 â€Å"Harry Potter faces biggest foe yet in book censors.† USA Today. 6 Sept. 2000. 17 Nov. 2000

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Essay -- Scripture Analysis

Introduction Jesus was a phenomenal communicator. In fact, Jesus was the greatest communicator to ever live. He used strategies and techniques that were previously unheard of to get his point across in any situation, regardless of the circumstances. What is interesting is that his most common form of speaking was in parables. He would use these analogies to provide a way of application for the gospel in people lives. The parable about the workers in the vineyard is one of many, but is one of the few that were only told in the book of Matthew. Although there a many assumptions as to the reasoning for this, nobody can be sure of the reason why this parable is nowhere to be found in the other gospels. It is especially confusing because in this parable Jesus talks about end times and entrance into heaven; which would have been, and still is, an important subject to any believer. Matthew 20:1-16 1 â€Å"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. 3 â€Å"About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went. â€Å"He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ 7 â€Å"‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered. â€Å"He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’ 8 â€Å"When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘C... ...mazing, but sets an example of how believers today can use relevant and modern examples and stories to share the Gospel and continue growing the body of Christ. Works Cited Barker, Kenneth L., ed., NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008. Print. Blomberg, Craig L. "Matthew." The New American Commentary. 22. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1992. Print. Davies, W. D., and Dale C. Allison. "Matthew 19-28." International Critical Commentary. New York, NY: T&T Clark International, 2004. Print. Hagner, Donald A. "Matthew 14-28." Word Biblical Commentary. 33B. Dallas, TX: Word Incorporated, 1995. Print. Keck, Leander E. "Matthew, Mark." The New Interpreter's Bible. 8. Nashville, TN: Abington Press, 1995. Print. Luz, Urich. "Mathew 8-20." Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2001. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Closet :: Creative Writing Essays

The Closet Wolfgang knew about his father's past. It wasn't talked about much, but when it was, Wolfgang's mouth would perspire saliva and he would swallow it with fear. His past scared him, scared him so much one time while listening a small puddle began to form around his left leg. His father had never hit him or anything. His friends, they all got the belt, slap across the butt. Wolfgang tried to explain to them the stories, but they all thought he had it easy. The stories consisted of a kid, a non descriptive child. Wolfgang guessed it was supposed to be his dad. The stories were of the same idea, of a kid being bad and getting punished for it. But they weren't your butt slapping punishments like all the other kids got. They were kids locked away in basements for the rats to eat, getting sold on the street to dirty men, things to the degree only the grotesque mind could imagine such a horror. But when Wolfgang was really menacing or his dad was drunk he would tell the story of the kid in the closet. The kid in the closet story scared Wolfgang so much he wouldn't dare get near one. The night had fallen and the dealers came out just after dusk, so Wolfgang moved his toys from the corner and walked up the apartment stairs. As his little twelve year old legs climbed the steps, he had to pass the bums that lay cold on the steps with their bottles of liquor. Once to the top of the staircase he passed a late dealer, and headed toward his home. As Wolfgang reached to the door it swung open nearly swiping off his arm. "What the hell do you think your doing out this late?" It was his father, again in a drunken state. "Get your ass in here!" he grabbed Wolfgang by the ear and pulled in him. "You know what use to happen to me when I was a kid?" he asked. "Not the closet, please no." Wolfgang pleaded with him. He didn't want to hear it one more time, or not ever again. " Oh you want to hear about the kid in the closet?" he took time to say it with ease and in such a matter that it scared Wolfgang so much he began to beg. "No, no, please, please don't, anything, whip me like the other boys, anything." He couldn't hold back the tears. Wolfgang's crying only worsened the scene and his father picked him up by

Racial tensions and problems Essay

Racial tensions and problems are common for multiracial countries. They are unavoidable as wherever there is a mixture of cultures, there always is prejudice. As far as the history is concerned, blacks were the ones to whom the hatred was directed the most. Laissez-faire- the initial policy of the British government towards migration proved to work for country’s disadvantage, which only became clear in the years that followed. Negroes, Indians, Asians or any other ethnic minority whose skin color is darker than that of WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) are referred to as black. For these people the term â€Å"equality of opportunity† is far from the truth and their struggle for â€Å"freedom† seems to be endless. They experience many humiliations on everyday basis and often are objects of bullying. They find it difficult to assimilate owing to many reasons and the society is not helping them at all. However, in accordance with some claims, there exist certain opportunities that these people may take an advantage of. The children of black families are said to be the ones that can make the most of the two cultures- the native and the target one. Owing to their susceptibility, it is easier for them to assimilate than for their parents who have a strong feeling of identity and are often nostalgic about their origin. Mixed schools are places where black children learn about the target culture and socialize with their friends of different origins. It is an opportunity for them to enrich their cultural values and at the same time preserve their own. Due to the disrespectful attitude they meet with everyday, these children become much more motivated to do well at school than their peers. It is education that is inculcated into their mind since it is essential to lead a decent and respectful life in future. On the other hand, schools are often places of terror for black students. In fact, they are bullied and intimidated on every occasion. There are many racist groups including skinheads, whose ideologies are close to that of Nazis. â€Å"The skinheads beat the Bengalis with baseball bats and bottles  and drove at them in a van. One Asian was beaten unconscious  as the mob returned for a second assault just minutes  after the first one. When police searched their van they found  a swastika flag, white supremascist literature as well as machete,  axe, knives and a CS cannister.† (‘Asian Weekly’ 12 July 1993) Blacks are considered as enemies or plague of the country and these subgroups refer to themselves as the cure. Their severe attacks most often have fatal effects or even result in suicides. The victims are innocent adolescents whose only crime seems to be their complexion. Strange as it may seem, elocution and clothing can contribute a lot to an improvement of ones image and status. There are numerous blacks who became successful on television or in politics and many other walks of life. These people surely do not consider themselves different from their parents or ancestors; neither do they consider themselves better. It is hard work that has got them so far and they have every right to be proud of themselves. This may be regarded as the very last step of acculturation where a person is fully assimilated and integrated into the target culture. At this stage one may say that the opportunities for blacks become almost equal with those of WASP. People seeing a black man on television reading news no longer see a black speaker but a speaker who happens to be black and that is a grave difference. It can be safely said that speech manner and impeccable appearance combined with good education opens a window of opportunities for blacks, however, not many of them are willing to accept this chance. â€Å"The fact that many black teenagers dress in the style  of extremist groups, such as the rap group Public Enemy,  conjures up images of hostility and aggression in some people’s  minds. Rightly or wrongly, they will be equated with the attitudes  that such groups represent.† (‘The Sunday Times’ 30 August 1992) Making an effort to assimilate is crucial. Most of young blacks do exactly the opposite. Their appearance and offensive language stray too far from the established norms that exist in a given society. By doing that they exhibit a very negative attitude toward life, which is portrayed not as a desire to assimilate but the converse. Because of the facts presented above only a small percentage of blacks gains respect and a good position in life. This gave rise to something which was termed an â€Å"affirmative action†. All it meant was that employers, to some extent, were forced to give job to people from ethnic minorities. In every institution there must have been a certain percentage of these people employed in order to create a general feeling of equality. Positive as it may seem, this also created problems. It was a â€Å"backstab† for people of the target culture because their jobs were threatened. General attitude was that blacks are given the jobs of whites who are often better skilled to do them. Considering an assembly-line job it did not matter much but a police force was more serious issue. Blacks were teamed with whites to patrol the streets not because their abilities or test scores were high but because they were black and that was an outrage. The society was very negative toward the idea of affirmative action and remained so until today. All in all, I would venture to say that the parents are the ones to be blamed for the problems that their children have with assimilation. It is often their attitude and the feeling of nostalgia that does not allow the youngsters to adopt the target culture. The children are left confused and undergo an identity crisis trying to reconcile themselves to a particular culture. This is where all the problems result from and they seem to outweigh the opportunities that I presented above. Yet, the hope for better future is still at hand. Next generations of blacks will certainly analyze the faults their parents and grandparents had made and allow more freedom of choice for their children. REFERENCES ‘Skinhead mob jailed for attack on Asians’ in â€Å"Asian Weekly† (12th July 1993) ‘Young, gifted and not-too-black’ in â€Å"The Sunday Times† (30th August 1992) BIBLIOGRAPHY Fiedler, E., Jansen, R. and M. Norman-Risch., 1995. America in close-up. Harlow, Longman. O’Driscoll, J., 1995. Britain. Oxford, OUP. ‘Growing up BLACK in Britain’ in â€Å"She† (January 1991) ‘My parents are racist’ in â€Å"Just Seventeen† (1st June 1994) ‘Skinhead mob jailed for attack on Asians’ in â€Å"Asian Weekly† (12th July 1993) ‘When Asian youths hit back’ in â€Å"The Guardian† (16th september 1993) ‘Young, gifted and not-too-black’ in â€Å"The Sunday Times† (30th August 1992)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dream Chocolate Company Essay

Analysis of D.C.’s Competitive Environment and Information Need Dream Chocolate (D.C.) is a small company trying to survive in an industry with many competitors. The competitive environment comes from some factors. Firstly, D.C. bars are sold in specialty markets, fine gift stores and also available online. However, the competitive companies can also provide various chocolate bars for customers with the low price on the Internet. Secondly, comparing to the big chocolate company like Mars, D.C. is a small company that has the lower brand reputation. Therefore, there may be not many people would trust their products. On the other hand, facing this competitive environment, D.C. has developed many competitive advantages that could attract customers to choice its products. D.C. Company pursues the high quality chocolate and changes the basic milk chocolate bar into variety of flavors. The company’s niche is European-style custom chocolate bars and labeling, and it is known f or its flexibility and speed. A small customer order can be printed, labeled, and ready for pick up or shipping within one hour if the company already has the label in its system, which few company can achieve that level. Moreover, D.C. also faced the pressure from the continued national recession hurt sales in 2011. Thus, in order to deal with the internal and external competitive environment, the D.C. Company needs more business to utilize their capacity and make a profit. The main issue will be training people. It takes up long time to train people adequately. Also, customer labeling needs to be more effectively marketed, which is D.C.’s best margin area. For purpose that the company’s strategy and product can be efficiently carried out, D.C. Company should provide actual cost per order or per unit that can compute the operating margin for the individual products and the allocation of overhead costs that can know whether orders are profitable or not. Pros and Cons for Different Costing Systems Job Costing System A job is simply a product or service that can be easily distinguished from other products or services and for which the firm desires that a specific cost be recorded for the product or service. Job order costing records the  actual materials and labor expenses for specific jobs and assigns overhead to jobs at a predetermined overhead rate. Job order costing offers a detailed analysis of the costs of materials, labor cost and overheads by functions and nature. One advantage of job order costing is that it allows managers to calculate the profit earned on individual jobs, helping them to better decide whether specific job are desirable to pursue in the future. This is best for businesses that do highly custom work, such as construction contractors and consultants. Also, Job order costing gives managers the advantage of being able to keep track of individuals’ and teams’ performance in terms of cost-control, efficiency and productivity. It can evaluate efficiency of diff erent types of jobs with cost records by using statistical techniques. Job order costing facilitates the estimation of the cost of a similar job and allocates overheads on the basis of a predetermined rate. Moreover, job order costing makes easy to identify spoilage and defects to take corrective actions. However, there are also several problems with the job order costing system. Firstly, job order costing needs a great deal of clerical work in recording material issue, wage computation, payment and overhead charges. Therefore, the employees are required to track all materials and labor used during the job, which will need more accountants to works and creates additional cost for small company. Secondly, job order costing focuses attention primarily on products rather than on departments or activities. This is not an issue if there is supplemental systems in place that record information about other cost categories, but it leaves management with inadequate information if this is not the case. Additionally, strict control of cost associated with a job is difficult since overheads are allocated on estimation, which should using reasonable parameters like selecting suitable basis. Process Costing System Process costing typically used by companies that produce large quantities of identical products that are made in long, continuous production runs through a series of process centers (departments). Process costing accumulates costs in a department for an accounting period and then spreads them evenly, or on an average basis, over all units produced that month. Process costing is an easier system to use when costing homogenous products compared to other cost allocation methods. Each process applies direct materials, labor and  manufacturing overhead to the production cost total. Management accountants take the total number of goods leaving the process and divide the total process cost by this number. This creates a simple average cost for each item produced. Another advantage is that business owners use process costing because it creates a flexible production process. Companies needing to refine their process can simply add or remove a process as necessary. This also allows companies to lower their production cost for each good. Adding a process allows companies to produce slightly different goods or improve product quality. This flexibility ensures companies can produce at the most competitive cost in the economic marketplace. Also process costing provides an approach to allocate costs to partially completed production. But the process costing also exists several disadvantages. Production cost error is a significant disadvantage for cost accounting systems. Process costing does not use direct allocation to apply business costs to individual goods, which will arbitrarily increase each item’s cost and also increases the consumer product price. Management accountants may also create under-costed products. Under-costed products usually result in lower business profits because goods are actually more expensive than actually reported. Other problem is that accountants must calculate equivalent units in the process costing system. Equivalent units represent the amount of unfinished goods left in a process at the end of an accounting period. This information is reported as the work-in-process on a company’s balance sheet. Inaccurate work-in-process accounts may also result in distorted finished good totals. This creates a difficult process for managing inventory and determining how many products the company has to sell in the open marketplace. Operation Costing System Operation costing is a hybrid of job and process costing, which is used in manufacturing goods that have some individual characteristics plus some common characteristic. An operation is a standardized method of making a product that is repeatedly performed. Operation costing is often used when different products use common processes but differ in their material. The advantage of operation costing system is that some products are mass-produced and can be customized to order, which cost accountants use the operation costing system. Using operation-costing system could be more accurate to record the cost of product because it separates materials for  each type of products and allocate the conversion costs through departments. Also, because much of the production is the same for all products manufacture, accountants use operation costing to distinguish these costs and determine individual product costs However, operation-costing system is more complex to calculate, company should require collecting much more data comparing to process costing or job costing. It needs to compute the units of production and the product cost of each unit according to the information of materials be collected and the unit of equivalent products. Activity-Based Costing System Activity-based costing (ABC) is two-stage product costing method that first assigns costs to activities and then assigns them to products based on the products’ consumption of activities. The use of ABC is especially important to businesses that provide customized products or services. A customized production environment requires ABC’s allocation of actual indirect costs to a product to identify its true cost. Implementing ABC is a challenging task for any business and the process carrying several advantages and disadvantages. One of advantage of ABC system is to improve business processes. It allocates indirect cost based on a product’s cost drive or the factor that creates the cost, which would be more accurate than the other costing methods. ABC can be used to identify non-valued added activities and can help to better allocate resources to efficient and profitable activities. Another advantage of ABC system is to identify wasteful products. ABC can allow the business to better understand where overhead costs are going. The data can identify wasteful products and unnecessary costs, so that resources can be used productively. The method also helps to fix the price of products or services that are excessive or incorrect. Overall product and service quality can improve as ABC’s data details production and cost issues that need to be resolved. Additionally, ABC system tends to reduce per unit cost of high volume products and increase per unit cost of low volume products, but the impact is more dramatic on the low volume products. However, implementing an ABC system can be expensive and time-consuming. Manager should break down business activities into each activity’s individual components. The entire process needs to collect much valuable resource as data to measure and enter into the new system.  Businesses may also require hiring the assistance of a consultant who specializes in the setup of an ABC system and provide training for them. Moreover, using ABC system sometimes is easily to misinterpret the data. It is also possible that some ABC may be irrelevant in certain decision-making scenarios. For instance, ABC does not conform to accounting standard and should not be used for external reporting. Since traditional cost figures tend to be the norm, interpreting ABC data along with regular accounting information can be confusing and lead to bad decision-making. Recommend a Costing Method to D.C. D.C. is a small but growing company trying to survive in an industry with many players. This small company has limited staff and they do not currently track actual cost information during production. However, D.C. has the competitive advantage that it combines high-quality, variety of flavors and custom labeling together. Due to D.C.’s high-end process, high volume and various types of chocolates, I recommend D.C. use operation costing system that combines the process costing and job costing together. Firstly, D.C. has three sizes of chocolate, which are 1.25 oz. bar, 3.0 oz. bar and 3.25 oz. Bar. And the three sizes bar can be divided into two types chocolates that are organic and non-organic. The different materials will be added into production to get various flavors. Thus, the martial of production that is direct cost can use job-costing method. Using job order costing is that it allows D.C. to calculate the profit earned on individual jobs, helping them to better decide w hether specific job are desirable to pursue in the future. Job order costing also makes easy to keep track of the production, identify spoilage and defects to take corrective actions during the period of production. Then, the labor cost should be included in product cost. Direct labor comes from pouring, inspecting, foiling and labeling. Notice that larger bars can be inspected twice as fast as the smaller bars. Because each area might be working on multiple customer jobs at a time, it is difficult to track labor hours for each customer order. Therefore, using the job costing system records the different type of customer order, which would be more accurate to record labor cost. And we should also calculate equivalent unit to compute labor cost per bar for each department. Finally, for the overhead cost which is indirect cost, each product is produced using the  same process, which means there is no difference in the overhead costs for the different products. So it is suitable to use process-costing method. And process costing is more flexible in allocating conversion costs, because it only accumulates the total costs and allocates the costs to each department or process. The operation costing system is a flexible way to handle high-volume or low-volume production month. It is used when different products use common processes but differ in their materials. When the volume is high, D.C. company do not need to hire more employee to work because the combination of job costing and process costing could figure out the mass production. Also, the operation costing can easily find any mistakes and don’t have to wait till the end of the month to fix the problem. Handling the new special order and new cost Recent order from the wellness company shows that bars can have one or more types of special flavors and ingredient additives. Bars with higher-cost flavor additives such as coffee and Kava can be viewed as direct cost. Thus, they would be treated for the same as direct materials and be allocated to the specific products. But less expensive additives, such as flavoring oils are not included in direct costs and these cost usually show up in overhead cost. In addition to the direct materials cost for these ingredients, there is additional labor required for stirring to achieve equal distribution throughout the bar. Moreover, the labeling design cost for new special order is overhead cost, which is related to the product cost. So it would be allocated to the specific product separately as well. Summary and Implementation In conclusion, I will recommend the company using the operation costing system, which combine the job costing and process costing. In case of DC the manufacturing environment is complex. Product in its initial stages has identical processing, and then is finished using specific procedure like adding activities or customized packaging. The method accounts for costs based on difference in the products. Also operation costing as it will give clear cost of products and their profitability. It will help Kay to set up the price of the products will help him to determine most profitable product. In order to calculate the cost of chocolate bar, we should require  the actual production for organic and non-organic bars, cost of ingredients for special orders and additional training and labor hours for special order.

Book Report on Pigeons at Daybreak Essay

The story entitled â€Å"Pigeons at Daybreak† by Anita Desai of India is a representation of love and acceptance. Mr. Basu is the man who is unable to perform his task on his own because of the different illnesses that developed into his body. Otima, the wife of Mr. Basu has the selfless love towards him. She takes care of her husband despite of all the problems and complications that emerged in their situation. Otima used to read the newspaper for Mr. Basu. Because Mr. Basu could not able to read the newspaper due to poor eyesight, Otima produced deeper patience and love for her husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the time when their house had no electricity due to electric problems, the two went to the terrace and decided to stay there until the electricity comes back but when the electricity went back, Mr. Basu refused to go back inside the house for it was the time of preparation of leaving. Mr. Basu accepted the fact that his life will soon vanish and become part of heaven. The pigeons in the terrace where Mr. Basu died symbolize his spirit and his journey in the next life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story is simple yet attackable. Its tragic situation brought life to the whole story. Then, with a swirl and flutter of feathers, a flock of pigeons hurtled upwards and spread out against the dome of the sky – opalescent, sunlit, like small pearls (Desai 228). This ending part of the story compressed the entire claim of the story. It means that the ending of the story signifies life as its wondrous creation but soon will end because every one of us will leave the world in beauty and a new journey will begin. Reference Desai, A. (date). Pigeons at Daybreak. pp.220-228

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Born Under the Flag essays

Born Under the Flag essays Mao Zedong had ruled China for more than a quarter of a century. During his rule in China for twenty-five years, he had failed to bring prosperity to China. Maos policies had brought so many catastrophes and suffering to China. In 1966, Mao had launched a Cultural Revolution, a political movement to regain credibility after the fiasco of the Great Heap Forward, a campaign launched by Mao himself to dramatically speed up economic productivity through establishing peoples communes and decentralizing industrial protection. A decade later in 1976, Mao died leaving Chinas economy in shreds and the people of China exhaust due to more than two decades of political chaos. As China began to move away from Maoism, Hua Guofeng, Maos official successor, brought back Maoism by quoting, We must obey chairman Hua like we obeyed Mao. In 1978, Hua lost power to Deng Xiaoping and his followers. A new era had begun for China. A new chapter BORN UNDER THE FLAG was written for Chinese history. Never in E arths history had a nation been transformed with such speed and magnitude. Deng Xiaoping was a former Communist Party leader who had been purged twice in the Cultural Revolution. At first, Deng allowed a freer political atmosphere during which people began to air their long-suppressed grievances. During that time period a new movement, so called the Democracy Wall Movement had surfaced. At first Deng allowed the people to voice out and rebel against the Communist Party, but once it became too strong, he cracked the movement by jailing the activists and leaders. Deng, along with his reformers Hu Yaobang and Shao Ziyang, began blending socialism with a free market economy and Special Economic Zones were opened along the east coast to attract foreign capital and technology. The agriculture collectives located in the countryside were all dispersed and the peasants were allowed to profit fro...

The Damaging Effects of Acid Rain essays

The Damaging Effects of Acid Rain essays Modern society is becoming overwhelmed with great amounts of pollution from cars, factories and an overabundance of garbage. The immense amounts of sulphur dioxide emitted into the air causes high levels of acid in the atmosphere. When this sulphuric acid is absorbed into moisture in the air, poignant rainfalls can be damaging to the external environment. Acid rain is destroying the world=s lakes, air and ecosystem. Acid rain is killing lakes and decreasing the number of inhabitants in these fresh water bodies. Acid rain causes an ample deduction in the pH levels in the water. At a neutral level the pH in water should be close to seven, yet in these acidic water bodies the pH levels can be as low as four. These pH levels of four contain more than ten percent acids than that of normal rain and one thousand times more acid than neutral water. Each decade the pH levels of lakes around Ontario have become ten times more acidic. The high acid levels contained in lakes also causes a decrease in the number of fish dwelling in these lakes. Also Aacid produces chemical changes in the blood of the fish, and their basic body metabolism is altered@ (Howard Acid rain causes air quality to deteriorate. As in water, a ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling Lots of good info! Lots of research went into it nonePlastic RecyclingThere are many methods for making materials that are dubbed plastic. Many different chemicals, most are petroleum based, are used for making plastic. A short history and a summary of some of the many methods of producing plastic pieces is given below. (plasticmatrix)Although plastics have been around for centuries, the processing of man-made varieties is a relatively modern phenomenon. The first injection-molding machine was patented in the 1870's and together with profile extrusion, came into common commercial usage during the 1930's. Compression molding had developed about a decade earlier. Blow molding, as we know it today, did not develop until the 1940's.Other processing methods, such as rotational molding, did not come into usage until the 1960's, and the processing of recycled plastics, like the technology used in the production of plastic lumber, developed only in the 1980's.English: Injection molding inser t removed from die...Plastic raw materials are roughly divided into 2 kinds: commodity grade and engineering grade. Commodity grade resins are more widely used and include polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and PVC (polyvinyl chloride).Engineering grade resins are generally more difficult to process but have characteristics which make them desirable for specialized use. Some of the more widely used engineering grade thermoplastics are acetal, ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), nylon and polycarbonate. Some of the considerations for raw material selection include impact strength, high and low temperature characteristics, warpage, resistance to ultraviolet light and the friendliness of the material to printing or adhesives.Plastic resins are also broadly classified as either thermoplastic or thermoset. Thermoplastic resins can be remelted after processing. Flash and rejected parts can be reground and added to virgin resin for reprocessing. Thermoset plastics, typically used in compression molding and SMC molding, cannot be remelted. Once processed, if they are...

The rise and fall of the famous Kommune 1

The rise and fall of the famous Kommune 1 Like in many other parts of the world, in Germany, the youths of the 60s seemed to be the first political generation. For many leftist activists, the generation of their parents was conventional and conservative. The Woodstock-like way of life that originated in the USA was a phenomenon in this era. Also, in the young West German republic, there was a wide movement of students and young academics who tried to break the rules of the so-called establishment. One of the biggest and best-known experiments in this time was the Kommune 1, the first German politically motivated commune.   The idea of establishing a commune with political issues first came up in the late 60s with the SDS, the Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund, a socialist movement among students, and the Munich Subversive Action, a radical leftist group of activists. They discussed the ways to destroy the hated establishment. For them, the whole German society had been conservative and narrow-minded. Their ideas often appeared very radical and one-sided, just like the one they made about the concept of the commune. For the members of this group, the traditional nuclear family was the origin of fascism and, therefore, had to be destroyed. For those left activists, the nuclear family was seen as the smallest cellâ€Å" of the state where the oppression and the institutionalism originated. Besides, the dependence of men and women in one of those families would prevent both from developing themselves in a proper manner. The deduction of this theory was to establish a commune where everybody would only satisfy his or her own needs. The members should be interested in themselves and just live the way they like without any oppression. The group found a suitable apartment for their project: the author’s Hans Markus Enzensberger in Berlin Friedenau. Not all of those who helped to develop the idea moved in. Rudi Dutschke, for example, one of the best-known leftist activists in Germany, preferred to live with his girlfriend instead of really living out the idea of the Kommune 1. Whilst the famous progressive thinkers denied joining the project, nine men and women and one child moved there in 1967. To fulfill their dream of a life without any prejudices, they started with telling each other their biographies. Soon, one of them became something like a leader and patriarch and made the commune let down everything that would be a security like savings in money or food. Also, the idea of privacy and property was abolished in their commune. Everybody could do whatever he or she wanted as long as it happened among others. Besides all that, the first years of the Kommune 1 were very political and radical. Its members planned and made several political actions and acts of provocation in order to fight the state and the establishment. For example, they planned to throw pie and pudding at the vice president of the United States during his visit to West Berlin. Also, they appreciated the arson attacks in Belgium, which made them be more and more observed and even infiltrated by the German interior intelligence agency. Their special way of life was not only controversial among conservatives but also among leftist groups. The Kommune 1 was soon known for its very provocative and also egocentric actions and a hedonistic lifestyle. Also, many groupies came to the Kommune, which has moved inside of West Berlin many times. This soon also changed the commune itself and the way the members dealt with each other. While they were living in an abandoned fabric hall, they soon limited their actions to matters of sex, drugs, and more egocentrism. In particular, Rainer Langhans became famous for his open relationship with the model Uschi Obermaier. (Watch a documentary about them). Both sold their stories and photos to the German media and became iconic for free love. Nevertheless, they also had to witness how their housemates became more and more addicted to heroin and other drugs. Also, the tensions between the members became obvious. Some of the members were even kicked out of the commune. With the decline o f the idealistic way of living, the commune was raided by a gang of rockers. This was one of many steps that led to the end of this project in 1969. Besides all the radical ideas and egocentric manners, Kommune 1 is still idealized among some sectors of the German public. The idea of free love and an open-minded hippie lifestyle is still fascinating for many people. But after all these years, it seems that capitalism has just reached the former activists. Rainer Langhans, the iconic hippie, appeared on the TV show Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus in 2011. Nevertheless, the myth of Kommune 1 and its members still lives on.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Summer Jounral Entry 76 †Creative Writing Essay

Summer Jounral Entry 76 – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers Summer Jounral Entry 76 Creative Writing Essay This last summer I attended the Maryland Institute College of Art Pre-College Summer Program in photography. I had only been taking photography classes for a year and although I had spent an extensive amount of time learning and creating beyond the class hours and curriculum, I wasn’t sure if photography was something I wanted to commit to. In the second week of the program we were told to begin work on a single piece or a series that would take the remainder of the program to finish and would be displayed in a large exhibition at the end. I struggled for many days before I could find a concept and begin to execute it. I chose to create a study of the scream because it is a facial expression rarely seen; it has a wide range of causes, and could be captured in its brief existence by the camera. I also thought having a large wall of people screaming at you would be humorous. Originally I had planned just 5 or 6 images but the more I worked, the more I came to realize that if the concept of a piece isn’t understood by the common onlooker, then you aren’t being successful. After a rather brutal critique with some of my peers and a teacher’s assistant, I knew that in order to portray the full range of expression in a scream, I was going to need far more images to captivate the viewer. My first day of shooting, I shyly asked my friends if they would scream for me. I found that within a few minutes I ran out of friends to photograph and many of them, because they knew me, weren’t willing to embarrass themselves. Not until two days before â€Å"crunch week† did I muster the courage to move completely out of my comfort zone and photograph absolutely everyone I found. In order to achieve my goal of 36 images, I needed that many fully committed people to pose for me. One wouldn’t suspect that, on average, only one out of every three or four people can go in front of a camera and scream on command without laughing. Everywhere I went I carried my mobile studio with camera, backdrop and light, and everywhere I went I asked complete strangers to scream for me. In the end I photographed over one-hundred different people ranging from a dining hall cook to the admissions committee and even a police officer. While learning how to approach people and convince them to do such an out of the ordinary task was difficult, the most difficult work I did was in the last two days when I had to choose and print my final images. Most of my peers were preparing five to six image series; I had 25 images to produce, mount and mat.. Out of all the years in school and experiences in my life, those two days were the most stressful. As a proud member of the ADD club, I knew that if I didn’t learn to organize myself in a somewhat obsessive manner, I could never finish it. Everything I did was written down so as to avoid the â€Å"why am I holding this negative again?† moments. After two days of near-starva tion, sleep deprivation, and rarely seeing sunlight, I finished. Although my nerve racking critique with the chair of the photography department that night went well, I believe my success lay not in the finished images hanging on the wall, but what I learned in that process. I now know how much work it takes to be an artist, I know that I always want to work creatively, and I know how to deal with my ADD to finish the task at hand. Research Papers on Summer Jounral Entry 76 - Creative Writing EssayStandardized TestingThe Spring and AutumnHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Fifth HorsemanBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

The Great Escape of World War II

The Great Escape of World War II Located at Sagan, Germany (now Poland), Stalag Luft III opened in April 1942, though construction was not complete at the time. Designed to deter inmates from tunneling, the camp featured raised barracks and was situated in an area with yellow, sandy subsoil. The bright color of the dirt made it easily detected if dumped on the surface and guards were instructed to watch for it on inmates clothing. The sandy nature of subsoil also ensured that any tunnel would have weak structural integrity and be prone to collapse. Additional defensive measures included seismograph microphones placed around the camps perimeter, a 10-ft. double fence, and numerous guard towers. The initial inmates were largely composed of Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm flyers who had been downed by the Germans. In October 1943, they were joined by increasing numbers of US Army Air Force prisoners. With the population growing, German officials began work to expand the camp with two additional compounds, ultimately covering around 60 acres. At its peak, Stalag Luft III housed around 2,500 British, 7,500 American, and 900 additional Allied prisoners. The Wooden Horse Despite the German precautions, an Escape Committee, known as the X Organization, was quickly formed under the guidance of Squadron Leader Roger Bushell (Big X). As the camps barracks had been deliberately built 50 to 100 meters from the fence to deter tunneling, X initially was concerned about the length of any escape tunnel. While several tunneling attempts were made during the camps early days, all were detected. In mid-1943, Flight Lieutenant Eric Williams conceived an idea for starting a tunnel closer to the fence line. Utilizing a Trojan Horse concept, Williams oversaw the construction of a wooden vaulting horse that was designed to conceal men and containers of dirt. Each day the horse, with a digging team inside, was carried to the same spot in the compound. While the prisoners conducted gymnastics exercises, the men in the horse commenced digging an escape tunnel. At the end of each days exercises, a wooden board was placed over the tunnel entrance and covered with surface dirt. Using bowls for shovels, Williams, Lieutenant Michael Codner, and Flight Lieutenant Oliver Philpot dug for three months before finishing the 100-ft tunnel. On the evening of October 29, 1943, the three men made their escape. Traveling north, Williams and Codner reached Stettin where they stowed away on a ship to neutral Sweden. Philpot, posing as a Norwegian businessman, took the train to Danzig and stowed away on a ship to Stockholm. The three men were the only prisoners to successfully escape from the camps eastern compound. The Great Escape With the opening of the camps northern compound in April 1943, many of the British prisoners were moved to new quarters. Among those transferred were Bushell and the majority of the X Organization. Immediately upon arriving, Bushell began planning for a massive 200-man escape utilizing three tunnels designated Tom, Dick, and Harry. Carefully selecting concealed locations for the tunnel entrances, work quickly began and the entry shafts were completed in May. To avoid detection by the seismograph microphones, each tunnel was dug 30 ft. below the surface. Pushing outward, the prisoners constructed tunnels that were only 2 ft. by 2 ft. and supported with wood taken from beds and other camp furniture. Digging was largely done using Klim powdered milk cans. As the tunnels grew in length, scratch-built air pumps were built to supply the diggers with air and a system of trolley carts installed to speed the movement of dirt. For disposing of the yellow dirt, small pouches constructed from old socks were attached inside the prisoners pants allowing them to discreetly scatter it on the surface as they walked. In June 1943, X decided to suspend work on Dick and Harry and focus solely on completing Tom. Concerned that their dirt disposal methods were no longer working as the guards were increasingly catching men during distribution, X ordered that Dick be backfilled with the dirt from Tom. Just short of the fence line, all work came to a sudden halt on September 8, when the Germans discovered Tom. Pausing for several weeks, X ordered work to resume on Harry in January 1944. As digging continued, prisoners also worked on obtaining German and civilian clothing, as well as forging travel papers and identifications. During the tunneling process, X had been assisted by several American prisoners. Unfortunately, by the time the tunnel was completed in March, they had been transferred to another compound. Waiting a week for a moonless night, the escape commenced after dark on March 24, 1944. Breaking through the surface, the first escapee was stunned to find that the tunnel had come up short of the woods adjacent to the camp. Despite this, 76 men successfully transited the tunnel without detection, despite the fact that an air raid occurred during the escape which cut off power to the tunnels lights. Around 5:00 AM on March 25, the 77th man was spotted by the guards as he emerged from the tunnel. Conducting a roll call, the Germans quickly learned the scope of the escape. When news of the escape reached Hitler, the irate German leader initially ordered that all of the recaptured prisoners should be shot. Convinced by Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler that this would irreparably damage Germanys relations with neutral countries, Hitler rescinded his order and directed that only 50 be killed. As they fled through eastern Germany, all but three (Norwegians Per Bergsland and Jens MÃ ¼ller, and Dutchman Bram van der Stok) of the escapees were recaptured. Between March 29 and April 13, fifty were shot by the German authorities who claimed that the prisoners were trying to escape again. The remaining prisoners were returned to camps around Germany. In canvassing Stalag Luft III, the Germans found that the prisoners had used wood from 4,000 bed boards, 90 beds, 62 tables, 34 chairs, and 76 benches in building their tunnels. In the wake of the escape, the camp commandant, Fritz von Lindeiner, was removed and replaced with Oberst Braune. Angered by the killing of the escapees, Braune permitted the prisoners to build a memorial to their memory. Upon learning of the murders, the British government was incensed and the killing of the 50 was among the war crimes charged at ​​Nuremberg after the war.​​ Selected Sources PBS: The Great EscapeImperial War Museum: Great Escapes

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Help Desk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Help Desk - Essay Example The frequent responses are irritation, tension, lack of concentration, headache and palpitation among others. .There is vital distinction in the way that people interact with their surroundings and as a result, it has extensive consequences in terms of survival. Stress is an implication that the pressures of the outside world are disturbing a person. The response to stress by an individual is often in such a way that it influences not only him/her but the surrounding as well. Due to the excessive stress in today's lifestyle, people usually perceive stress to be a harmful experience, whereas biologically, stress may be positive or neutral, not just negative. (Panzareno, 1) It is a natural response from a human that upon encountering a danger, the body starts to gear up by handling it through 'Fight or flight' principle. As a result of this, certain purposeful modifications take place in the body. Consequently, these changes continue until the danger continues. After the threat is gone, the body resumes its normal state and functioning. Such instantaneous, transitory effects are the 'short term effects of stress'. But when stress is constant or recurring, the body continues to secrete pertinent hormones as a result of which, the blood level stays constantly at an above normal point and thus the related modifications continue. The body then goes through stress along with an overburden which is because of the side effects of the steadily high level of stress hormones. As a result of this mechanism, certain irretrievable physiological costs in the brain and relevant physical indications such as organ damage take place. The long term symptoms among others include chronic head ache, mood swings, anxiety disorder, memory disturbances, heart attack, stroke, weight loss and sleeplessness. After the stress factor vanishes, it often happens that the manifestations of stress continue till the time that treatment is done for it. (SF, 1) Stressful Environment in Support Centre Users contact support centre very now and then with their technical issues. The anger and irritation of the users' often find Help desk agents as their targets, where they are vented out. Due to experiencing technical issues, users require a channel for their stress since it can't be taken out on a computer or a software. As a result, either deliberately or subconsciously, users victimize those who are assigned the task of making efforts to find solutions for their problems. This makes the agents, recipient of the stress to which they are exposed to. This situation is worsened even more when the help desk agents objectify the user while finding a technical problem solution; agents forget the fact that usually a "difficult" user is behaving in such a manner due to the stress which they are facing, it may often be termed as temporary insanity. When faced with moments of stress arising due to technical breakdown, users turn impolite and misbehave with the agents, even though their anger is about the problem

Designer babies; scientific and ethical considerations Essay

Designer babies; scientific and ethical considerations - Essay Example There is no "random collection of facts", but the examples are relevant and logically linked together. The scientific considerations are concise introduce briefly the reader to the methods used. The figures, although not strictly necessary, are there to support the text in a visually pleasing manner. Starting a sentence with a verb may not be common, but it isnt wrong either. However, the incriminated sentence could be re-worded as: "IVF is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves..." The ethical considerations didnt miss any major points, but had to be shortened in order to fit the essay format. This paper isnt an exhaustive review on the topic, or it would have been far much longer. The conclusion does make a clear summary of the various aspects of PGD then broadens the scope once again to make the reader think about the topic once the paper has been read. This is basically an article about the philosophy of science, and should encourage the readers to think for themselves after exposing the problem in a clear manner. In general, the language used is professional, without any slang, and the punctuation is indeed correct. The grammatical mistake highlighted by the reviewer is actually a misquote of the paper and should read: "Both techniques combined gave rise to..." All subsequent appreciation of the grammar should therefore be viewed with a critical eye, as there doesn’t seem to be any

Friday, October 18, 2019

African American history 1600-1877 Research Paper

African American history 1600-1877 - Research Paper Example The events that shaped African American history and converted the blacks from being slave to free people were forced transportation of black people for slave trade,American Revolution,the Great Awakening,the very famous war of 1812 and the civil war.Slave trade is the first incident that shows the deprivation of Black population of their basic human rights as blacks were transported to other lands for labour purposes Second in line is the event of Great Awakening, which helped people to recognize their existence according to their religion, as Great Awakening resulted in unity of Americans and Christianity faith. Third important event is the American Revolution that started in 1775 as clash between the Great Britain and the thirteen British colonies in America. During American Revolution, blacks wanted their rights and human treatment from Americans. British unwillingness to sign the commercial agreement, British support to Indians on American frontiers and failure of British army to withdraw from American territories were the causes of irritation for Americans due to which, the war of 1812 was there. Civil War is the last important event that helped the blacks in gaining freedom as at the end of civil war, formal identity was given to black people as Americans. AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY (1600-1877) African American history revolves around arrival of African American or black American ethnic groups in US. Migration of black people from Carrabin and transportation of slaves in 16th century changed the history of the region. Five very influential events took place from 1600 to 1877. The events that shaped African American history and converted the blacks from being slave to free people were forced transportation of black people for slave trade, American Revolution, the Great Awakening, the very famous war of 1812 and the civil war. Slave trade leads the other events in the African American history. In 1619, first slave was brought to Jamestown as a servant. This e vent opened the doors for bringing non-Christian black people as servants in the US. Number of slaves rose to 25000 in 1700 in American colonies1. Next in order was â€Å"Great Awakening†, known as watershed period in American life. Great Awakening swept the colonies by having greater social and religious effects on the people’s life. Period of 1730-1740 is known as revivalism period that spread throughout in American colonies2. Individual spiritual experiences got importance over the routine church proceedings. After the period of Great Awakening, the next mega event in African American history is American Revolution. It began in 1775 due to conflict between Great Britain and thirteen colonies. After the end of revolution in 1783, another mega event is the war of 1812. War was fought between America and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815 but peace treaty for ending the war was signed in 1814. Than the reconstruction period started in which black people were granted Ameri can citizenship with full rights. Mid eighteenth century saw a big shift in American policies towards black and black people also shifted to south for living the lives as per their own wishes3. The impact of all the events on African American history 1600-1877 shall be discussed in detail in this paper. Great emphasis shall be laid on the war of 1812, because of events taking place during this period. Spanish and Portuguese settlers brought Africans with them in the new world. About 2,75,000 Africans were brought to south and north America at the start of 16th century. First African slave was brought to Jamestown in1619. More Africans were then brought to those areas having good land for cultivation but labour was short. Many slaves used to die during transportation due to inadequate food and medical treatment. Earlier the differences in treating European and African slaves were almost negligible but soon they started differentiating whites from black people in 27th century. Virgini a

Taxonomy Comprehension and Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Taxonomy Comprehension and Application - Essay Example By examining each Character separately, and stating off with Philosopher Aristotle, he has been renowned for Philosophical Works - later to be regarded ad Scientific. He has been and is still remembered to have Initiated the Study of Living Organisms -including Himself. This is the area where his Work has been Most Admired. He made enough efforts to discover the Relationships among the Living Organisms. As a Behaviourist, he was keenly interested in knowing something about Which category behaves how. And, possibly, what influences it to do so. His Crown of 'Father of Science' - is Prime enough to illustrate his Research and Academic Weight in the World of Learning. So, Aristotle looks at the relationship of Living Organisms in their Quest for Livelihood. Aristotle is also interested in establishing Sense of Belonging, characteristic of any Creature. This he does by Classification of things - organisms in this sense. Not only does Aristotle stop there. He goes further to study Plants and illustrate their differences in Species. So his Kin Interest the Origination of Species has sparked off a lot of Ambition among both the Philosophers. And, actually, his innovations have led to complicating the Understanding of the Difference between Religion or Philosophy and Science. The Context of... The study of these two inter-related Philosophers -and Hence, Schools of thought, is paramount for purposes of Study (Research) and day-to-day reasoning inherent among the People on this Planet. As the Ideas that flowed from these Brains has been and lives to be remembered. By examining each Character separately, and stating off with Philosopher Aristotle, he has been renowned for Philosophical Works - later to be regarded ad Scientific. He has been and is still remembered to have Initiated the Study of Living Organisms -including Himself. This is the area where his Work has been Most Admired. So his Kin Interest the Origination of Species has sparked off a lot of Ambition among both the Philosophers. And, actually, his innovations have led to complicating the Understanding of the Difference between Religion or Philosophy and Science. By way of classical reasoning. It can be seen that Aristotle has a Scientific View of the Subject, Taxonomy - which is taken to mean 'Something that one wishes to convey especially by Language' - which he does by addressing himself to the Realities of Life via the Expression of Organic Life. For purposes of this Topic, however, we need to make another point or two about the way is Emotions and Feelings of Human and Nature afflict his Counter-part who seems to be slightly opposed to his way of viewing nature and what constitutes its components.     

Pediatric Growth and Development Research Paper

Pediatric Growth and Development - Research Paper Example e conflict occurs as children try to act like grown ups and takes up goals or activities which are beyond their capacity and which are in conflict with parents or family members (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). Feeling of guilt occurs as a result and hence, achieving ‘balance’ between initiative and encroaching upon rights or privileges of others is the challenge as it leads to successful resolution of the conflict (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The fourth stage (‘industry versus inferiority’), in which teachers and peers are significant social agents, occur between 6 to 12 years of age (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). In this stage, children compare themselves with peers and hence, must master academic and social skills to feel self-assured (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). Otherwise, feeling of inferiority develops if they fail to acquire the skills which others have (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The fifth stage (‘identity versus role confusion’), in which the key social agent is the society of peers, occurs between 12 to 20 years of age (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge for adolescents is to avoid being confused about their identity by establishing basic social and occupational identities (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The sixth stage (‘intimacy versus isolation’), in which the key social agents are lovers, spouses and close friends, occurs between 20 to 40 years (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge is to achieve companionship through strong friendship or else loneliness result (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The seventh stage (‘generativity versus stagnation’), in which the key social agents are spouse, children and social norms, occurs between 40 to 65 years (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge is to maintain ‘generativity’ by being productive or supporting young people, as failure or... The main purpose of this research paper was to describe several development theories to the reader. Firstly, the researcher focuses on analysis of Psychosocial Development theory by Erickson, who understood that people can display healthy psychological adjustment only when they are able to resolve the psychological conflicts that they experience in life. In his theory, Erikson’s proposed eight stages (or psychosocial crisis) of developments, which occur during different ages of human life. Secondly, the researcher analyzed Freud's Psychosexual Development theory. Freud discovered that the mental disturbances that his patients experienced often revolved around the sexual conflicts which were repressed during their childhood. The researcher deeply decribes each of the five stages of this theory. Thirdly, the researcher analyzes Cognitive Development theory done by Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist. Children’s way of perceiving and mentally representing the world is the fo cus of cognitive development theory. Four stages of this theory were discussed in the research paper. Fourth theory analyzed by the researcher and presented in the paper was Kohlberg’s Moral Development theory. The researcher describes that Kohlberg developed the theory that tried to encompass those ideas which were not addressed in Piaget’s theory. Kohlberg has explained the moral development in three levels, consisting of two stages each. The levels and the stages are described in the research paper as well.

Political, Social and Economic Reasons for the Decline of the Western Essay

Political, Social and Economic Reasons for the Decline of the Western Roman Empire - Essay Example This essay presents a thorough analysis of possible political, social and economic factors, that could be considered as reasons to the decline of Western Roman Empire to different extent The political reasons surround the Barbarians, wars with Germanic tribes, growing power of Attila the Hun and the Hunnic Empire, and eventually the fall of the Western Roman Empire. In 15 AD the army of Garmanicus Caesar marched to Teutobergensis Saltus, The massacre had been performed by the joint coalition of German warriors. The Germanic groups spread all the way from Rhine in the west to River Vistula in the east and from Danube in the north to the Baltic seas in the south In AD 450, Attila threatened the empire and started preparing for an attack on Gaul and later invaded it. An alliance was made between the Romans and the Goths and in the Battle of Chalons, Attila is forced to retreat. In AD 452 Attila finally invaded Italy, where he laid the foundations of the republic of Venice. With the victory of Attila in Italy, the power of the Western Roman Empire weakened. The long tension over the Rhine-Danube frontier contributed a significant amount to its failure. The social reasons for the decline of the Western Roman Empire are often given as declining population, diseases, succession of emperors. Diseases had been a major problem for all empires and the Roman Empire surely suffered as diseases and plagues started spreading . Another reason is that of the people in empire being poisoned by the water that was carried through lead pipes. The succession of emperors has indeed played the most important part in the decline. The first Roman emperor had established that the emperor will designate the next emperor and based on approval by the senate, the emperor will take the thrown. This rule was followed for only the first few emperors and